We, again, talk about like Level Two skills with Final Cut. So we'll cover quite a bit of ground here in this Tutorial, this would probably beget Levels Three, Four, and Five, certainly, but for now we focus on a lot of post production topics, skills, considerations for setting up your technical environment. This is kind of, think of this as a Level Two type of a class.

There's a little bit of an overlap between the two things, so if you're cutting in new, or if you've had a little bit of experience with Final Cut and you're looking to take those skills to the next level, then this is the place you want to start again. This would be a Level Two Course, so it takes a lot of those principles and builds on those principles. If you have watched that one you can kind of consider that a Final Cut 101, or a Level One Course in Final Cut. You may or may not have seen the other Tutorial for the Virtual Training Company on Final Cut. But I want to put this one together to introduce you to some of the topics that are coming up. In fact I do the introductory Tutorial toward the end Ð you can do that in filmmaking, you know, you don't have to shoot things in order. One of the projects I'm finishing up right now is this Tutorial. Actually, I'm putting the finishing touches on a number of projects right now, a number of video projects, and I wanted to say welcome. I don't know yet, but I like what I've seen so far. I hope it gets into a theater hopefully it will do well at the box office.

I think I'm going to call this one Star Wars. Brian Culp here for the Virtual Training Company, just in one of my edit suites putting the finishing touches on one of the movie projects that I've got going on right now. Hey, Brian Culp here, getting ready to hit you with this.